Development finances
Invoices contain information about all charges applied to the development during an invoicing period, along with the homeowner’s share of charges. The brought forward and outstanding balance for each homeowner is displayed, as are any payments received during the invoicing period.
Invoices will be sent to homeowners based on their preference, either by post or email.
Contractor invoices are uploaded to the portal and can be viewed there.
Invoices are due for immediate payment on receipt of the invoice. This ensures that the development bank account has sufficient funds to meet the cost of all services provided. Payment terms and conditions can be found on the reverse of paper copy invoices, or within our Written Statement of Services. Please ask for further details if you require them.
If you wish to dispute an amount on an invoice, this should be raised with your Client Relationship Manager in writing within 14 days of the invoice date. The disputed amount will be put on hold while further investigation is carried out. All undisputed items should be settled immediately to avoid late payment charges.
Payment can be made by:
Online payment (via the portal)
Card payment (via telephone)
Direct Debit
Please see your invoice for further details on how to pay. Our preferred method of payment is Direct Debit, either monthly or quarterly. Paying by Direct Debit will ensure that homeowners avoid any late payment charges being levied and helps spread costs over a year. Direct Debits are collected on the 1st of the month or the nearest working day. Should your Direct Debit need to be amended we will contact you in advance in writing. If you wish to set up a direct debit or to discuss other payment options, please contact us.
Development debt
Homeowners are collectively responsible for the financial obligations arising on areas under common ownership. The Lease/Deeds places a joint and several liability on all co-owners (shareholders) in respect of maintenance charges for the common areas of a development.
If a homeowner does not pay their share of charges in a timely manner and an outstanding balance builds up, we will follow our debt recovery process as detailed above. We do this on behalf of the management company/shareholders to whom the debt is owed.
In some circumstances we are unable to recover funds. Where we have exhausted our debt recovery process and a balance remains outstanding, we may charge the debt to the management company, and this will be apportioned between the current homeowners. We do this in accordance with the terms set out in your Lease/Deeds. This will ensure the development has funds in the bank account and services can continue to be provided to the development.
The debt we may have to distribute relates to one of the following:
Homeowners who sold their property over a year ago. The selling solicitor held no retention to settle final invoice to sale date and it is not cost effective to incur further legal costs to trace and pursue after our internal credit control process has been exhausted.
Current homeowners who have built up a substantial debt and have been going through our credit control procedures for some time. We may be awaiting a court decree against them, they may have a decree in place, they may live out of the UK and cannot be traced without incurring further substantial cost. The debt is distributed to aid development cashflow and ensure services can be maintained as normal
We appreciate how frustrating this will be for the homeowners who settle their invoices on a timely basis. Please be assured that we continue to pursue the outstanding balance using all debt recovery procedures available to us. Where funds are subsequently recovered from the defaulting homeowner, credits will be applied on a timely basis, ensuring all homeowners who paid the spread debt receive credit in full. If you sell your property in the period in between the debt being spread and funds being recovered, we will pass the refund on if you provide us with a forwarding address.